Save Energy With LED Cooler Door Lighting

Save Energy With LED Cooler Door Lighting

LED cooler door lighting is not only very energy efficient in terms of light, but it also produces significantly less heat than conventional fluorescent lamps or T8 LEDs. A 20-watt LED module replaces one 75-watt fluorescent lamp to produce what can only be described as a better, more consistent quality of light. In addition, LED cooler door lights produce significantly less heat than conventional fluorescent tubes.

Benefiting the Grocery store operator in two ways:

First, with LEDs, the refrigeration system doesn’t have to compensate for the heat generated by the lights, so refrigeration costs are lower. Indeed, Wal-Mart Stores, 7-Eleven convenience stores and many gas station markets are seeing a reduction in refrigeration cost.

Save Energy With LED Cooler Door Lighting

Second, fluorescent lamps by regulation must be sleeved because they’re made of glass and in proximity to food. Keep in mind that a natural characteristic of fluorescent is that they dim over time because they do not thrive in colder environments. And the sleeve yellows over time because of the heat, which “degrades the quality of the light.” Not so with LEDs, which are already encased.

Another benefit of LEDs is that they come on instantly and at full brightness, and can be turned on and off with motion sensors/dimmers. When no one is in the aisle, it makes good sense to turn off the lights. 

The combination of motion sensors/dimmers and LEDs enables the supermarket or convenience store owner to keep the lights off about 30 percent of the time, something that was impossible with fluorescent lamps.


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