Are efficient LED bulbs worth the price

At this point, LED bulbs are the hybrid cars of lighting. They’re cheaper to operate but cost more upfront than their less-efficient cousins. Highly Efficient LED Technology Up to 80% immediate energy savings Up to 40,000 hours lifetime Replacement for 25w to 40w Incandescent Lamps

There have been spotlights and smaller lights for years, but now people can buy LED lamps that give out as much light as a 60-watt incandescent and are designed for use just about anywhere. And rather than purchasing them online or in a specialty store, they will be available at Home Depot, Lowes, and no doubt other familiar retail outlets next year. 

Weighing cost and light quality, LED lightbulbs are worth considering right now for downlights and worth keeping an eye on if you have a lot of incandescent lightbulbs. If you already have a lot of CFLs in places like desktop lamps, don’t expect a quick payback by switching over. But LEDs offer some other advantages, notably longer life.

LED bulbs

Lighting your living space is obviously a very personal decision, but as you think about upgrading with energy efficiency in mind, here are a few factors to consider.


The good news on LED bulbs are that these lights, quality-wise, are quite good and they put out enough light for a lot of needs. But there’s no getting around the fact that LED bulbs for general lighting are a new technology that comes with a price premium. 


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