LED Pool Lighting has become the industry standard: The reason is efficiency. Today’s LED fixtures (LED stands for light-emitting diode) are designed to produce the same amount of light as a 500-watt incandescent bulb, for example, while drawing no more than 75 watts, a fact that many building codes dictating wattage per square foot of pool surface are just starting to embrace by specifying lumens output instead.
That each LED bulb costs roughly twice what traditional alternatives cost should not serve as a deterrent, according to Greg Fournier, of Hayward Pool Products’ project management team. “The reason that people want to do this is they’re looking at payback on their investment, normally in less than two years,” Fournier says. “They’re putting in new technology that really pays for itself.”
LED lighting has become a full-fledged aquatics industry movement.
Adds Jim Drozdowski, sales manager for institutional pools at Pentair Pool Products Inc., “The great thing about LED lighting is that you can save up to 86 percent of the energy costs without any compromise in terms of light intensity.”
Moreover, LED lights will likely outlive their counterparts tenfold — providing 20,000 hours of service versus 2,000. “One thing that a lot of people forget is the cost, the man hours, associated with relamping,” Crocker says. “Basically, to relamp the old type of fixture, a person has to get in the water with a screwdriver, unscrew the face of that thing and pull the lamp out. It would have enough extra cord in the housing that they could pull the lamp to the surface and then relamp it. The additional cost of an LED is negated the very first time you have to relamp an incandescent fixture.”
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